Sacred Elements Retreat

Breathwork and Waterwork combined with powerful purification practises.

with Mela Mariposa & friends

3rd- 6th of October, in Sintra, Portugal.

Join us for a transformative journey in the heart of nature, nestled between the mountains and the ocean of Sintra, where we will work with the four elements to reconnect with ourselves and our inner wisdom.


Through the power of breathwork, we will initiate the process of transformation, using the air element to breathe life into our intentions and clear our minds, and purify our bodies. This practice will pave the way for deeper healing as we move through our journey.

Breathwork uses a simple technique, called “conscious connected breath”, a profound technique that deeply supports the clearing away of old energies, conditioning, negative thoughts/patterns and emotions.
It helps us to open up the doors for new possibilities and a greater consciousness. If done properly it is a “gateway” to your inside world, to truly see who you are with all layers of a human being, emotionally, physically and energetically.

In the element of water, we will explore somatic water work and breathwork in water, which will help us surrender, release, and let go of what no longer serves us. The water will guide us to a state of fluidity and openness, allowing us to fully embrace the present moment.


The water as a symbol of transparency and teacher for our life's journey, to flow with ease through all obstacles.


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Our purification process will include a powerful temazcal, a traditional sweat lodge ceremony representing the element of fire. This ritual will cleanse our bodies and spirits, burning away impurities and igniting our inner light.

Entering into the womb of mother earth, where all the elements are also united.

We will also take part in a special fire ritual, channeling the transformative power of fire to fuel our growth and renewal.


The fire as symbol for rebirth, transformation and new beginning.

To ground ourselves, and enhance our connection to mother earth, we will connect with this element through practices like mindful walks, movement, healthy nutrition, and clay work. These activities will help us anchor our energy, cultivating a deep sense of stability and connection to ourselves and our roots.

This unique experience, set in the serene natural landscape of Sintra, offers a profound opportunity for healing and personal transformation, guided by the wisdom of the elements.

Important to know:

Breathwork is not suitable for you in case of pregnancy, or if you suffer of any severe heart disease, psychosis, glaucoma, or epilepsy. Please get in touch if you are in any doubt about your health situation.

Locations & Accommodation


Madre Selva, Terras de Cura

Our base, for sleeping, eating, merging with nature, and receiving a sweat lodge ceremony.

Madre Selva, is based very close to ocean, at the most western point of Europe. (Capo da Roca)

Eva & Jon are wonderful and deeply connected hosts, that are in full service of healing and are very dedicated to what they are offering. The place is done with so much love and you can feel it through all the little details.

It is basic, yet a very cosy and comfortable place to be in and with nature. Accommodation is offered in two yurts, and belltents with comfortable bedding, or in your own tent under the pine trees.

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Liquid Zome

Saturday and Sunday sessions:

Liquidzome is a beautiful chlorine-free hot water pool embedded in a sacred geometry construction, made of wood and cork


Day 1

12pm Arrival

1pm Light Lunch

3pm Opening Circle and Breathwork Ceremony

7.30 pm Dinner

Day 2

8am Silent Morning Walk (ocean)

9.30am Breakfast

10.30- 1.30 Morning Session, Body Care, Clay work

5pm Temazcal


Day 3

8am Morning movement.

10am- 5pm Water Temple Day at Liquid Zome.

Breathwork in the Water and Water work.

6pm Dinner

8pm Special Fire Ritual

Day 4

8am Morning Movement

9am Breakfast

10am-1pm, Water Temple

Water Sessions, Breathwork

3pm- 6pm Closing Ceremony

This is an approximate schedule, timings are subject to change.

Who is guiding you:


Mela Mariposa, Breathwork

Mela is a breathwork facilitator, spirit coach and cacao mama.

The main focus in Mela's work is to accompany her clients into a state of presence and into their heart space, where transformation can take place. She loves working with people who want to develop their potential and fulfill their dreams, people who are ready to go deep and want to dissolve old patterns and habits.

Mela has a huge background knowledge, she worked for over 12 years as a nurse in psychiatric clinics, she is a holistic nutritionist and spent years studying the science and practice of traditional yoga. She has lived, trained and taught in various communities in Asia and Europe. Nowadays she integrates shamanic work, western therapeutic elements and elements from traditional Yoga & Tantra.

Mela also founded SVARA Breathwork, a breathwork training in Portugal in 2022.

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Eva Bellas, Sweatlodge

For 20 years, I have supported the work of healers from different backgrounds and traditions, the Memory Keepers, with whom I have had the privilege of living, listening and learning.
I am a mother of three boys, a doula, a kambo facilitator, a bridge keeper for native cultures, a guardian of healing spaces and processes, an artist, a permaculture practitioner, among many other things.
I have founded several regenerative culture projects, including L'Encantada comunidad (2003), La Escuela de Bosque (a free education centre in 2009), and El Encuentro (a retreat centre in 2009).
Now, together with my partner Jon, we have created Madreselva. An altar-place dedicated to healing, sharing ancestral native knowledge and recovering the Relationship with Nature.

Olga Viktoria Sadowski, Chef

Plant based chef, activist and author, focused on integrative nutrition & the politics of food. Her meals are crafted in reverence to the earth, reconnecting us with nature through the senses, inviting us to embrace a symbiotic relationship with the natural world.
She is a student of indigenous ways of life, dedicated to the well being of the earth and feminine health.Olga expresses her enchantment for nature in her work as a chef, curator for handcrafted arts, interior designer and by organizing holistic retreats, workshops & markets.

Retreat Fee:

Including all the workshops, meals (vegetarian/vegan), sweatlodge.

Early Bird: 666.-€ until Sept 3rd.

Standard Price: 777.-€

Bring a friend and get the early bird discount. (for both of you, if registered together)



Private Yurt 110.-€ /night

Yurt Dorm (max 6 beds.) 35.-€/ night/ person

Belltent private 90.- €/night (bed and bedding provided)

Belltent shared 45.- €/ night (bed and bedding provided)


Bring your own tent 20.- €/ night


Click below to register for the sacred elements retreat in Oct 2024!

“You are a guest. Leave this earth a little more beautiful, a little more human, a little more lovable, a little more fragrant, for those unknown guests who will be following you.” — Osho