Breath of Life Retreat

25th - 31th of March 24,  in Portugal

With Mela Mariposa & Fabio Cancongi

We invite you to come on a deep journey with us.
From the earth to the sky, from below to above, from the root to the crown.


Together we explore the chakra system, starting with our roots, connecting to the earth and our foundation, rising up through our creativity and sensuality, exploring our inner fire, discovering our true inner warrior, into the center of our heart, where we learn to give and receive and be compassionate with our inner child, up into the field of expression and communication and then connecting to our visions, peace and silence.

This program is specially designed for you to move through the chakras, where you can let yourself be guided into and held in a safe space, where you can become loose, explore and expand into a beautiful space of connection. The connection to yourself.

On this weekend retreat you will be guided into different powerful practices such as:

  • Drumming,
  • Body painting ritual
  • Water blessing
  • Fire ritual
  • Cacao Ceremony
  • Mandala breathwork
  • Voice activation, Expression
  • Blindfolded Dance
  • Silence, Nature and a lot of space to be and connect with each other

Healing, transforming, sharing, celebrating and remembering the flow of love and connection within yourself, the community and mother earth - this is what we wish for all of us during our time together.


The more conscious you breathe the more connected and aware you become.

Breathwork uses a simple technique, called “conscious connected breath”, a profound technique that deeply supports the clearing away of old energies, conditioning, negative thoughts/patterns and emotions.
It helps us to open up the doors for new possibilities and a greater consciousness. If done properly it is a “gateway” to your inside world, to truly see who you are with all layers of a human being, emotionally, physically and energetically. And yet the outcome is always a surprise, as we are all individuals caring different stories and backgrounds. The main result is pure presence & awareness, which eventually leads us into a fuller acceptance of what is.

Important to know:

This retreat is not suitable for you in case of pregancy, or if you suffer of any severe heart disease, psychosis or epilepsy. Please get in touch if you are in any doubt about your health situation.

Daily Schedule


Arriving after 3pm latest 6pm.

6.30pm Opening Circle

8.30pm Dinner

Day 1

8am – 9.30am Morning meditation & nature walk

9.30am Breakfast

10.30am 1.Chakra

Connecting to the drums and come into the body

2pm Lunch & rest

5pm  2.Chakra

Opening our senses & connecting to emotions with Breathwork

8pm Dinner

Day 2

8am -9.30am Morning Dance

9.30am Breakfast

10.30am 2.Chakra

Body painting ritual, Connecting with our creativity and the element of the water

Water blessing Ritual

2pm light Lunch

5pm. 3. Chakra

Connecting with the inner fire and fire ritual

8pm Dinner

Day 3

8am -9am Dynamic Meditation

9.30am Breakfast

10.30 3. Chakra

Get into your power. Group and partner exercises.

2pm Light Lunch & Rest

Possibility to book a massage. (not included in the price)

6pm sharing circle

7pm Dinner

Day 4

8am -9.30am Gentle Heart Yoga & Meditation

9.30am Breakfast

10.30 4. Chakra

Cacao Ceremony & Mandala Breathwork

2pm Light Lunch & Rest

5pm 5. Chakra

Voice activation, Expression & Singing

8pm Dinner

Day 5

8am -9am Morning movement

9.30am Breakfast

10.30 6. Chakra

Exploring Visions.

Find your Spirit Animal and blind folded dance

2pm Light Lunch & Rest

5pm 7.Chakra

Chakra Breathing and sound healing

7pm Closing Circle & Dance/Celebration

8.30pm Dinner


9.00am Breakfast

11.00 Good Bye

This program has been carefully designed to create a beautiful wave to enter into the space of this deep work. Note that some slight changes my arise.

Who is guiding you:


Mela Mariposa, is a breathwork facilitator, spirit coach and cacao mama, she loves sharing her passion in rituals and ceremonies.

The main focus in Mela's work is to accompany her clients/groups into a state of presence and into their heart space, where transformation can take place. She loves working with people who want to develop their potential and fulfil their dreams, people who are ready to go deep and want to dissolve old patterns and habits.

Mela has a huge background knowledge, she worked for over 12 years as a nurse in psychiatric clinics, she is a holistic nutritionist and spent years studying the science and practise of traditional yoga. She has lived, trained and taught in various communities in Asia and Europe. Nowadays she integrates shamanic work, western therapeutic elements and elements from traditional Yoga & Tantra.

Miguel Anumano

Miguel Anumano.

I came into this world with a genuine open heart and the gifts of joy, freedom and flow. Passionately looking for depth and the unity between all things. Very early I understood the power of music, and became a devoted explorer of that power.

I started playing with rhythm instruments as a young boy, and ever since I have been in a permanent experiential research on world sounds, drumming, and all types of instruments,the spiritual aspects of music, the human voice, tribalism, deep listening, presence, authenticity, intuitive expression, the state of trance, ecstasy and connection to nature. 

With a natural tendency for creating high energy states, throughout the last decade I have been playing music in gatherings, retreats, conscious movement practices, ecstatic dance and plant medicine rituals. I have been guiding drum circles, rhythm classes, and voice activations.

Out of all this, it became very clear that (probably) the most powerful and healing experience that I know, is when we get together around the fire, drumming, singing, dancing and praying. I am here to hold space for that.

Location & Details

19th - 25th of September 2022 in Luzianes, Portugal

The retreat is held in our new space in south Portugal.

We are living on a shared land with 7 other families, 9 horses and lots chickens. It is in the middle of the nature, where the night sky is shining bright and the silence is touching your soul.

The classes are held outdoors, and inside the dome. Accommodation is basic and yet we give everything to make it as comfortable as possible.



Course Fee, includes healthy vegan food and accommodation

560.- Camping in your own tent/caravan

620.- In our Bell-Tent, tent, beds provided.

650.- Bed in Caravan shared with 1 person

700.- Caravan for single use.

You are welcome to join and find your own accommodation in the area. Even though for the general energy we recommend to stay onside.

If due to your financial situation you can not join, feel free to reach out and we will find a creative solution for you to join us.

We offer discounts to Portuguese citizens.

Sign Up:

YES, I'm interested in discovering the power of the breath!